Have to give a 10 on music because I love Edgen's work. Good selection there :P
For flash, the visuals were awesome.
Sound effects were good enough for the game, I guess.
What needs work is the gameplay itself and the story. I had to go somewhere else during the final boss, and when I came back 10 minutes later I was still alive. That shouldn't happen :P The gameplay is nice but after a few levels it starts to get a bit repetitive. The most fun boss to play was the fourth one in the sea, got all of the gameplay elements working together nicely.
It would have been challenging if they actually attacked you, though, instead of just running away.
As for story... well, what story? You're a dragon killing some ancients... mmkay. No backstory, no character on the dragon, etc.
I liked most of the environments, though. Good work.